Time management
Dreaming of a day or 48 hours a week to week? You are not alone. Between family life, children, work (at home or at work), leisure and friends, the clock and calendar enemies become tougher.According to a survey conducted on behalf of the Statistical Institute of Québec (ISQ) (and dating!), 41.4% of Quebecers and 40.8% of Quebecers said they "feel pressed for time, every day. " The Institute noted as early as 1992, the proportion of people "pressed" increased with the increase in hours spent at work and at home. Since then the situation has deteriorated. Look around you ...
"I have more time"
The heavy workload at work and / or at home, the presence of "time thieves", disorganization, an unfair division of labor, procrastination, lack of discipline have an impact on your calendar. Can you finish this work in time? Out winter clothing before the first snow? Entertain friends and serve the meal on time? Or simply avoid paying an additional $ daycare because you're late?
Lack of time can become a significant source of stress. Do you really need an additional pressure? Between home and work, you are already living at the speed "big V". We must find ways to get back on track. How?
Saying "NO"
To reduce the hours spent alleged emergency and reserve your time for important tasks, we must learn to say "NO". And it's not easy. To avoid displeasing, to increase your personal capital in the company or to avoid offending a friend (or acquaintance), you agree to the requests addressed to you. And you have it ... Here are some tips:
- with a smile, ask the person if it can wait;
- ask him to come back later and open your calendar to schedule a time;
- refuse mandates that belong to others;
- prepare a priority list and check it regularly. This tool can help you make your distance and invest your energy wisely;
- ask your interviewer to explain "why it is urgent ... ";
- open your calendar and check it a look before saying "No, sorry ... "Or" I understand, but ... ".
Make lists
One of the best ways to manage time, in the best possible professional and personal balance is a list of things to do each week. Then sort them according to Eisenhower matrix (see note 1): what is important and urgent (depending on your job, your job, your priorities and your obligations), urgent and not important, not urgent and important, not urgent and not important.
That list drafted, delegate to a colleague, a subordinate, a relative or a family member, non-urgent tasks and not significant.
Ultimately, your list should reflect your priorities. Do the tasks you enjoy the least first and group your activities. Open a file for one hour, every day, take more time and energy. The ship in one go will be more satisfactory.
And do not forget to prioritize a small personal pleasure, every day!
This is THE magic word! The agenda, both professionally and personally, will help you plan your activities, so your time. But yours is it really effective?
Feel free to register, or underlined in red, the important tasks. Join them as activities that you would do to relax: a dinner with (e) friend (e), massage, spa visit, session format, hiking ... and follow them!
While being consistent and respectful of your values, an agenda must reflect the balance between your personal life and your professional life. This balance will also increase your sense of satisfaction.
To have a well organized agenda, we must follow certain steps:
1. Select your professional and personal priorities.
2. State your goals in relation to your roles at work, at home and in society. Write down the tasks related to it.
3. List the activities related to each goal stated in the previous step and give a number and time of completion to each activity planned.
4. Choose, each week, a time dedicated to writing your roles, your goals and activities. You then throw a hard look at your priorities.
5. Make time for emergencies. You will believe me. In fact, it is best to devote 30% of your daily schedule ...
6. Add your list of things to do ...
Your agenda is to be malleable. This flexibility will reduce stress and increase opportunities, therefore, enjoy your life and work.
A good way to manage time is to delegate certain tasks to relatives, colleagues, subordinates, who will fulfill them. But do not forget to check the progress of a file you've said. There is nothing more unpleasant than to learn that a colleague was unable to perform the work requested. You will then be faced with an emergency ... YOU will have to deal.
To avoid the stress caused by poor time management from a colleague, you just follow a few rules. Do not do the work of others, but beware the most important tasks. Surround yourself with "straight arms" and inform them adequately on the progress of the file. Give responsibilities, grant of authority, have an account, congratulate! And above all, take the right task to the right person.
(1): The Eisenhower matrix is a tool for systematic classification of priorities and assessment of emergency, allowing the management and regulation of activities and the preparation of the delegation.
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